Monday, February 22, 2010


What is Tropfest? Well I'll tell you what it is. It is the largest short film festival in the world and its free!!!! Yes thats right. I went to Tropfest yesterday. It is held in the Domain (a big park) on the grass. There are 4 giant video screens back to back on a circular stage in the middle of the park. So you can lay down on the grass and watch from everywhere in the park. The guess judges this year included Elijah Wood and Toni Collett, among some other "famous" people whom I did not recognize. It was great. Free entry and BYO, which means you can bring as much food and alcohol as you want and just have a picnic all day and night. Live music before the show and during intermission. Very cool concept and a very cool festival. Much more chilled out then any other the formal film festivals set in theaters. There were probably about 50,000 people there. This years theme was dice, so every movie had to have dice in it somewhere. I saw some great films and some not so good ones, but still had a great time. I do believe they are beginning to do Tropfests in other places of the world. I think there is one in New York later this year. Below are some pics I found on the internet:


Currently Listening To: Fleet Foxes
Recently Watched: Mad Max, Mad Max 2- Super cheesy but entertaining none the less.


Key-Vaughan said...

Tropfest looks like a lot of fun! I just went to the Santa Barbara film festival the weekend before last and had a lot of fun there. Ryan got picked to show his short film 'Awkward Courage' starring Alex Feldman. He said he was 1 of 6 picked out of a very large group for the local competition.

He has also produced this new film he is currently editing called Lukewarm done on some ridiculously high priced camera (the body alone is like $20K).

Anyways, whenever I see film stuff it reminds me of him so I thought I would share :) Good luck with your current job hunt man!

sharry said...

sounds sooo fun and awesome! Wish I could be there!