Saturday, January 8, 2011

Look What The Cat Dragged In

That would be me. It looks like I'm back. I guess I just like to write and voice my opinion. I couldn't figure out how to change my web address for this blog, so it is just gonna say Australia even though I'm not there any more. Lets get this baby going....

2010 in quick review:
-Rang in New Year in Sydney. Loads of fireworks and warm weather. New discovery that too much gin gives me a headache.
- Coachella with Mark in April. Amazing as always.
- Moved back to the good ole US of A May 15th.
- Got a job with Envision EMI, working in NYC all summer long. Got to do amazing things and meet amazing people. One of the best jobs I've ever had.
------------------------------ I put a break here because this is where the black hole comes in------------------------
- Officially moved back to the Bay Area end of August.
- Although there was some good times. Generally speaking the months of Sep-Dec consisted of a lot of aggravation, depression, and stress. No job, no money, no fun.
- Boston and NYC in Dec. Orange County for the new year.
- 2010 is over. It was a year with more ups and downs then ever before.

2011 is a new year, new job, new life. Lets see what happens.

I got a job up here in the Bay Area. Which means I will still be living at home, but at least I'll be out of the house and have the means to meet new people most of the time. The company is called VUDU-

and I am a Content Coordinator. I'll share more about my job description once I actually start on the 17th.

That is all for now. Look for my "Top Movies of 2010" coming in the next post.

Currently Listening To: Magnetic Man, and any other dirty dub-step.
Recently Watched: Monsters (2010)- Real good. One of those movies that grows on you the more you think about it. Completely not at all what anyone was expecting.

P.S. Yes, I got ads on my page now. Did I sell out? Maybe. Does it effect your content viewing? No. So get over it.

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