Monday, February 8, 2010

Things going on in my life.

Lets start this thing off. It rained all weekend. Really really hard. Im talking some of the hardest rain I have ever seen. Straight up movie rain status. Californian's you have no idea what the meaning of "raining cats and dogs" is. Not even after that storm that just hit.

My house threw a big party on Sat night. It was a huge success, there were loads of people and it was fun. We still have about 10 litres of boxed wine people left here.

Avatar passed up titanic. It is now the highest grossing movie of all time, both domestically and internationally. It is also the first movie ever in history to hit the $2 Billion mark. Congratulations James Cameron and FOX. Especially FOX because they took a huge risk funneling more than $300 Mil into this movie, with no guarantee of success. Well, it paid off. Hats off to you FOX studios. Now just let the Oscar wins come in and James Cameron once again proves why anyone would give him money to make a movie. AKA King of the world. Yeah, I made a Titanic joke.

My housemates and I found a baby mouse yesterday. We took it in and are attempting to raise it. It is dying. We are trying to feed it and we made a home for it in an old Thai take out container. It doesn't look like it is going to last long. But the pic below is adorable.

In other very important news... Tomorrow 2/9/10 marks my 3-month anniversary in Sydney. I have completed 1/4 of my stay here.

Question Of The Day: If in the slim chance the mouse survives, what should we name it? I think its a boy, but I could be wrong, Im not gonna touch it to find out.

Currently Listening To: The Helio Sequence, Grand Archives

UPDATE 9/2: The mouse (whom I named Superman, in an attempt to keep it from dying) died this morning. RIP Superman

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry, about not leaving a post on your new look. I tried but for some reason my computer rarely lets me post on here. The new look is totally sexy, ladies will be chasing you down the streets in no time. Name the mouse Feivel. My bets are it will die though, have you guys researched the net on how to care for a mouse and what to feed it?