Saturday, December 5, 2009

Work and what else?

Week 1 of training is done. Tomorrow I start week 2. So far so good. This weekend I didn't do much so nothing to report there. I know some of you are waiting to see more pics of Sydney on my facebook. I apologize for the lack of pics, it is just that I don't bring my camera anywhere with me unless it is a special occasion. Im done with all the tourist stuff from when I studied abroad, so I don't bring the camera with me when I go out or go downtown. So pictures will come slowly once special things start happening, i.e. New Years. If your really in need of some Aussie Pics then just go to my facebook and look at my albums from when I studied abroad.

I would like to share good music with you all. So I decided that after each post I would put "what I'm listening to", and list the band name. Many of you probably wont have heard of a majority of the bands I list. So go check them out for yourself. Also if I watch a movie (which is very rare because movie theatre prices are outrageous here), i'll put a little review of it.

Currently listening to: Sea Wolf
Watched last night: The Talented Mr. Ripley. verdict: Good


Sharon said...

Glad you are liking the job...hope you get tons of money...miss you!! <3

Unknown said...

Sea Wolf is awesome "'re a wolf boy get outta this town...."