Sunday, December 27, 2009

I think I am allergic to the rain...and the Irish

Yeah, its raining. I know, I know, I deserved that one. Yes I apologize for my previous post about how the weather is great here and it sucks to be you Americans. Now I am stuck will rainy cold weather. Its been like this for 3 days now and according to the forecast it will stay like this until Sat.

Im getting all nasally and stuff now. I'm not sick so it must be allergies. I think the rain brought it on. But what is it? Is it inside the rain? Is it the water in this country in general? Who knows. Good news is I can leave my window open and get some cool fresh air into my room, with no mosquitos to worry about. Bad news is since I have no dryer I have to hang dry my clothes outside, and since the air is so moist my clothes are still damp for 2 days now.

In other news. I worked the bar again last night and man was it crazy. Remember this is already an Irish pub, so you expect it to be rowdy. Now add an Irish folk band into the mix. It turned into the loudest pub I have ever been in. There was screaming (what they thought was singing) and shirts came off and "dancing" ensued. It was out of control. But I think I had my best night so far when it comes to looking like an actual bartender. I also got $34 in tips, which is good for a non-tipping country. $24 of that came from a drunk guy who gave me a $50 for his drinks and then left without getting the change from me. I hope that happens more often.

Currently Listening To: Vampire Weekend
Recently Watched: High Fidelity- It was okay. I think it is overrated.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

i LOVE the summer rain and Irish are crazy drinkers, really quite fun if you ask me. I hope you get a lot of drunk ppls money! Miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu