Thursday, December 31, 2009

NYE... It's 2010 now folks.

Before I tell you about my New Years Eve lets reflect on some of the major things that happened in 2009.

-Rang in the New Year in Las Vegas with Mark and family.
-Coachella with Mark and TJ.
-Attended my first real film festival -The Newport Beach Film Festival- with Brandon.
-Finished my first feature film script.
-Graduated from university.
-My short "The Dream" got accepted into the GIAA Film Festival in NYC; Mark won best actor.
-Went on a Eurotrip. Saw 3 new countries I have not been to.
-My 22 birthday.
-Moving back home for 2 months.
-Went to NYC for the GIAA Film Fest. Saw my movie screened on a big screen and my sister.
-Went to Philadelphia and saw my study abroad friends and the Fall Festival.
-Moved to Australia.
-Found a place to live in Australia.
-Found 2 jobs in Australia.
-NYE 2009 Sydney

That brings us to New Years Eve in Sydney Australia. Lets just start with the beginning. A group of us went to a place called Pipers Point. There was a little grass area on the water that had perfect views of the Harbour Bridge (where everything goes down). I arrived there at about 1:30pm and drinking, eating, and games began. Little by little everyone showed up. We had the largest group there and took over about 25% of the entire grass. At midnight there was an amazing firework show of the Harbour and throughout Sydney. Look at pics below.

Fireworks shooting off the top of the buildings in Sydney CBD.

My view from Pipers Point.
More Views.

Continue reading...

After the firework display and and wishing everyone a "Happy New Year", it was time to go home. There was one problem, we had no way of getting home. Piper Points is too far out of the way and their is no public transport that goes where we need to go. Some decided to sleep there till morning, others wandered off and god know what happened to them. Three of us decided to try to catch a taxi. So we walked down to the main road and kept walking along hailing every taxi we could see. Now, on a regular day there is usually no problem with catching a cab in Sydney. There are thousands of them driving everywhere all the time. But this was no normal day. This was New Years, which meant that out of maybe 100,000 taxis in the city, there was 1.5 million people trying to get in them. There was no empty taxis at all available for us. So we kept walking and walking, and my only thought was if someone gets dropped off right near us then we can take their cab. At the precise moment, like heaven sent, a taxi pulls to the side of the road right next to us.

Apparently there had been some commotion. The cab had 3 girls and a guy, who had come from some fancy party and were obviously inebriated. There was a screaming match and then 3 of them got out of the car, while one girl stayed in and dialed the taxi company complaining. Somebody was trying to rip someone off. Yada Yada Yada. I could care less about their issues, what mattered to me was there was now an empty taxi sitting in front of me. We had to wait 5 min before the last girl finally got out of the cab and it was empty for us.

Now what happens next was one of the craziest jaw dropping things of my life. Out of no where, like fuckin ninjas, a couple slips right in front of us and into the cab and the cab drives away. In about 20 seconds we were robbed of the only taxi we found available. Again, we were stranded on the street, except now with 4 angry drunk people.

We decided to walk with them in the general direction of where we needed to go. We heard their stories of the night. One girl's dress was wet because she had been pushed into a pool, and so on. (Drunk girl talk, I've learned how to tune it out over the years).

Eventually we ended up at a train station. Knowing that Central Station is somewhat near my house, and that it is the hub for most trains, we got on a train. Luckily we made it to central and took a cab home from there. I got home at about 4am after almost 3 hours of wandering. It was definitely and interesting way to spend the first hours of 2010.

So that brings us to today January 2, 2010 for me. Yesterday I worked at the bar from 3pm to 2am with no break. Got lots of tips though, and overtime pay for the extra hours. So its okay. The only problem I am having now is I have completely lost my voice. Not raspy, gone. So I need to relax and take it easy. I work at the bar again Sun night, which I am not looking forward to. Then on Monday I start back up with Brightstars full time. This may be an issue since my job consists purely of talking to people. I need my voice back.

Alright, the moment you have all been waiting for. New years resolutions. I probably have many, but the only ones I can think of right now are these:

-Start working out and eating healthy again/ less drinking.
-Appreciate the small things more.
-Have fun and live it up. 2010 will be a great year.

I would love to hear all of your resolutions. So go ahead and tell me them in the comments.
Happy New Year everybody!

Currently Listening To: Ben Kweller

Below is a video of part of the fireworks over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Sorry if it's a little shaky, I was being burnt by a sparkler.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Sounds like you had fun! Wish I was there!

Mine are:
- Become a photographer
- Eat healthy and drink Green tea 3xs a day
- Smoke more weed
- Do all the arty things I love but don't do enough (Dance, Sing, Write, Paint)

miss you a lot! xoxo