Wednesday, December 23, 2009

First night as a bartender.

Great. It was really busy. I learned a little more. I looked like a pro some times. I looked like a fool sometimes. I got $9.50 in tips. $6.50 of it came from a drunk guy who gave me change and asked me to change it for him then walked away. The buses don't run when I get off so I have to take a $15 cab ride home after every shift. Lets just hope I get at least $15 in tips. I smell like alcohol. I only have 1 pair of black pants so I plan on having those pants smelling like alcohol permanently. Irish people get angry when you don't serve them. I need to figure out a method to serve everyone evenly. It is too hard to see who got there first at such a big bar. I need to just go right to left then left to right. If you don't like the little head on your beer worth one sip, or the shot isn't full enough for you, go fuck off. I work again tomorrow on Christmas Eve. I'm hoping to get a lot of "Merry Christmas" tips. Yes, I bank on the system.

Currently Listening To: Barenaked Ladies


sharry said...

HA. I love it. Well, just keep those Irish happy. You know how they like to fight..I hope you make good tips soon cus a $15 cab is steep but worth it :) I wish I was would sneak me free drinks ;)

Kevin said...

How long have you lived in Australia? You should know by now that it isn't common courtesy to tip in Australia!

Anyways, sounds like you are having fun. Lets talk soon.