Friday, December 11, 2009

End of training and my alcohol tolerance...

So yesterday marked the last day of a grueling 2 week training session. To celebrate we had a sports day in the park and free pizza for lunch. Then a group of us hit the pub. Now the best part is we got paid for a full day of work. So I am officially a professional athlete, pizza eater, and drinker.

We moved to another bar, where I saw a feat of amazingness. A group of girls I work with were sitting there looking at a map of Sydney (for what reason I don't know) and a man approached them. He said what can I help you with? (Now this man was like 50, open shirt, gold necklace, with a 25 year old girl friend. Im talking sugar daddy status.) So my co-workers jokingly say "you can buy us all a drink". With out a hesitation he takes $50 out of his pocket and gives it to them. Now mind you, it is happy hour right now so drinks are only $3.50. Which means after the girls bought themselves all drinks they bought us boys drinks too. So I got my first taste of what's its like to have a sugar daddy. And to all those women who can pull it off, I envy you.

I am really broke. So to save money I decided to buy a bottle of wine from the store and then drink it quickly before meeting in the club. That way I can be drunk and not have to buy drinks. So I do just that. To many this may seem like a bad idea, and a majority of the time it is. But for some reason due to my strong Polish and Russian heritage I have the alcohol tolerance of a T-Rex. I down the entire bottle of wine to my self in 30 min and I wasn't even buzzed. Sad story really. Luckily I won a free drink in the club. There I posted myself up with a good ole fashion Gin and Tonic (my go to drink). After finishing that, guess what? I still wasn't buzzed. With no money left to spend I just danced the night away.

Currently listening to: The Mary Onettes


Sharon said...

Sometimes being buzzed/drunk also has to do with attitude.. If you are in it and feeling the scene it can be tons of fun. If you are just not and you are pissed its a severe buzz Anyway, try to have fun and just live every moment!

Key-Vaughan said...

Haha! THat is absolutely RIDICULOUS. You must have bought grape juice in a bottle...I'm not buying this one.