Saturday, December 19, 2009

Bartending and the weather.

So I got a trial at a bar called the Cock and Bull. It is an Irish pub with about 75% of the patrons form Ireland. It seems like every Irish person in Sydney goes to that bar. So I worked behind the bar today for 3 1/2 hours and I have to say, it is not what i expected. While it was overwhelming at times and I had to ask some people to repeat themselves (their accent was really thick), I decided to look at it as a game. Once I did that, I relaxed up a bit and it ended up being really fun. I guess I like getting people drunk. It was a good feeling being behind the bar, the gate master to all the alcohol. Then pouring those drinks made me feel like a pro. I got my moves down and could make 3 mixed drinks at the same time without lifting the bottle. So that was dandy. They said they would call, so I don't know for sure if I got the job or not, but I am just happy I experienced bartending.

The weather. It says it will be overcast and rainy all week, but aside from that is is finally starting to hit hot summer weather and I am excited for a warm New Years. Suck it East Coasters.

Currently Listening To: Phoenix


Unknown said...

The cock and bull? sounds like a gay bar, but hey thats cool.

Sharon said...

Sounds fun..I really wanna bartend, it's like a goal of sound like things are really coming excited for you..and yes, we had a blizzard and Central Park was like a Winter was beyond breathtaking..wish you were here to have a snowball fight with me and was fun :)