Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Recovering From The Amazing

I am still trying to recover from such an amazing trip back home. It is really hard to come down from such a positive atmosphere of friends, family, good weather, Coachella, and freedom. Now it is back to the real world of job hunting, paying bills, and being so far away from those I care about. I am still a little depressed, but not as bad as the week after Coachella and when I first arrived back in Sydney.

Its strange how your everyday life seems different when your emotions are running high. When I walk down the streets now, I see things a little different. Its hard to explain. I've been listening to my Ipod a lot more now, so it is like I have my own personal soundtrack as I walk around. Music really does infuse emotions. Also, it's a bit cooler outside and the sun sets much earlier now. So the way things look has changed.

I went to the gym today for the first time in a month. It felt good to work out. But I have so much on my mind, its like Im in the zone the whole time. I've been thinking a lot about my future and all of it is really just up in the air. The unknown worries me. I wish some major thing could just happen and that would start pointing me in the right directing. Its all wishful thinking as my dad says. I often think up the unrealistic, but I can't help it, I'm too imaginative.

So there are no real updates in my life. I am unemployed and looking for something to give me a little more cash before I call it quits and come home for good.

Currently Listening To: Caspa & Rusko, Boxcutter, Wilco

Below is a pic of Mark and I the day before we left for Coachella. We made matching shirts for Friday. They had the Coachella mountains and palm trees around it. On the back it was our own personal Mastercard commercial. Mine read: Plane Ticket From Australia $1200, Coachella Tickets $309.25, 1/8 Special Herbs $40, Gas For The Car $30, Having The Time Of Your Life: Priceless.


sharry said...

you two are so cute! wish I could've been there! Miss you! <3

Unknown said...

Although it seems a bit scary right now, I don't think you'd want to know everything that lies ahead. Having an imagination allows you to dream up wonderful possibilities, and then think up ways to make them realities. Enjoy the journey as I know you are...
Also I'm glad you had so much fun at Coachella! I enjoy reading your blog...keep it up!