Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cryptic Message #2 and The Fastest Movie Review Ever.

I have been to this country for a short period of time. The actual translation may come out a little funky.

Hello, semua orang. Aku punya berita menarik. Saya akan datang ke rumah untuk mengunjungi! Yay! Aku tiba di Kekaisaran Kota (referensi Jay-Z's lagu) pada 1 April dan akan berada di sana sampai ke-8. Jadi bagi anda di Pantai Timur, datang di atas. Aku kepala ke CV ke-8 dan akan berada di sana sampai 13. Lalu turun ke (referensi ke posting samar pertama) aku pergi. Jika anda tidak memahami pesan samar terakhir saya, itu menunjukkan kehadiran saya di Indio. Jadi saya akan berada di sana di bawah sinar matahari mendengarkan musik yang indah dan menari pantatku off. Aku kembali ke rumah pada tanggal 20 selama beberapa hari, lalu kembali ke Sydney aku pergi pada tanggal 24. Jadi, bagi Anda yang bisa menyeberang jalan saya di beberapa titik. Anda lebih baik melakukannya. Mudah-mudahan saya akan melihat kalian semua segera.

Now, to the movie reviews:
True Romance- Good, written by Tarantino, so you know exactly how it will be. Recommended.
Tron- Overrated, dorky watered down old disney movie. Pretty boring and tacky. Not recommended.
Dark City- Weird Sci-fi. Good. Recommended only for peopel who like Sci-fi and Jennifer Connelly.
She's Out Of My League- Terrible. Pointless. Waste of time. Not recommended.
Adam- Good quirky indie flick. Recommended.
Moon- Sam Rockwell rocks it. Great indie movie. Recommended.
28 Days Later- Good. Danny Boyle directed. Awesome filmmaking, cool plot, but there are zombies. Recommended.
28 Weeks Later- Sequal to above. Good. More Hollywood, but better solid plot line. Recommended.

In other news, I got a gig working mon and tues. I will be one of the 2nd Unit Camera Operators on a McDonalds commercial. It is not as fancy as it sounds since I am one of 5 doing that job. But, it is a huge shoot, probably the biggest one I've been on. Over 200 people and a lot is gonna go on. It pays well and hopefully I'll meet some people that can help me out with future work.

Weather has been close to perfect these last couple weeks of March. Note to all, the best month to come to Sydney is March. Less tourist, great weather.

Currently Listening To: Florence And The Machine

1 comment:

Sharon said...

good luck on the shoot! Sounds awesome!