Monday, January 4, 2010

First day back to work and movie talk.

I had my first day back at Brightstars today. It is intimidating with the new system and no more fuckin around. Its time to start talking to real people and do what I was hired to do. I was sick today and all congested so that made the job even harder. Luckily the system is acting up so they sent everyone home early. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

I think I am done at the bar. I got my taste at whats its like, and frankly I don't like it. Maybe it is just the bar I am working at, it is way too loud and rowdy. It sounds like a lot of fun to those of you who have never tried dealing with 100s of drunk Irish people and taking their drink orders. My hearing is pretty much gone because of the noise and I'm sure I am sick from working to close at the bar each night. It was a good run, but I am done. They didn't schedule me for next weekend, thank god. So I hope they were just using me as a holiday worker and I'm done now. Not counting tips I make more hourly at Brightstars or another job anyways, so why put myself through the stress?

My annual movie list will be coming out soon. I will post it on this blog. For those of you who don't know what that is, I'll explain. At the end of every year I look at all of the releases of the previous year (2009 in this case) and I list all the movies I have seem that came out in that year. Then I order the list from the best of the year to the worst. Of course this is only the movies I have seen, not every movie. This year I saw less movies than in 2008, due to financial restraints and the fact that I was in Australia in Nov/Dec which is when Oscar season is.

On another movie note, I just want to comment that 'Avatar' has reached the 1 Bil worldwide mark, which is phenomenal. Titanic holds the record at 1.8 Bil. Who directed Titanic? James Cameron folks, the same director of Avatar. I am secretly rooting for Avatar to match or surpass Titanic. Then James Cameron would have the 2 highest grossing movies in the history of movies which makes him gold and makes things interesting. So if you haven't seen it yet, go see it.

Currently Listening To: Foo Fighters

Recently Watched: Brothers- goodish, good acting, slower movie. Can lose interest fast. America should stop making remakes of foreign films, especially those which only came out 5 years earlier.

1 comment:

Key-Vaughan said...

Good luck with that job and feel better Mike! It was pretty interesting to hear about your experience as a bartender, I'm not going to lie. Irish people are crazy drunks :P

A funny quote from my brother about James Cameron: "If James Cameron came to you with a movie idea, you would give him all the money you've got!"

Personally I would have to hear his idea out first, but like you said he is golden these days. It will be interesting to see what will be in the future from him.

Missed you over Winterbreak in Castro Valley, but it looks like you have been enjoying yourself so that is good stuff! Keep it up homie