Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Australia Day

So yesterday was Australia Day. That is the 4th of July of Australia. It was clear blue skies and hot. Everyone got work off and the festivities carried on through the day. I met up with some friends in Hyde Park. Surrounding Hyde Park and continuing down the road were hundreds of vintage cars form all over the world. After browsing and dreaming we made our way down to Circular Quay and the Rocks. There was live music and festivities, pretty much a giant block party was going down in the streets. We grabbed a beer at a bar and headed out to the water for some views of the Opera house. As the afternoon began to turn into evening we made our way to Darling Harbour and managed to sneak our way through the crowds of thousands and get a seat right by the water. There was a whole night time celebration with performers and a boat parade. All leading up to one of the best firework shows I have ever seen. It absolutely gave New Years a run for its money. When all the festivities were said and done, I made my way back to the bus stop, only to watch the bus I needed pull away and drive off. After waiting another 30 min for the next bus, it ended up being packed with people and there was no room for me to get on. So I made the walk all the way back home. Now this walk wouldn't have been as bad if it was so hot and humid at that time of night.

So, now that you have read that boring introduction I'll get to the good stuff. Australia day is rad. Yes, I did use the word rad. It was a great time and I am glad I got to experience it. The best part is I brought my camera. Not only did I take pictures but many videos as well. This means, once I have time I'll throw those on the editing block and make myself and Australia Day 2010 video/ vlog. Mmm, mmm, mmm, now that sounds good. It will be like the tribute to 2 Kurrawa Study Abroad video I made, except this time it will have pictures and actual video. If you haven't already checked out my Australia Study Abroad tribute to my house mates, I highly recommend it. You can look on my FB profile under videos, it will be there. Disclaimer: It may bring tears.

So look for my new Australia Day video to be out sometime in the next few days. Also, I have a surprise for all of my faithful readers. But it is a secret and you'll have to wait until the weekend to find out/ see. So stay posted.

Currently Listening To: Tiesto/ Mika
Recently Watched: Blade Runner- Not good. I don't like film noirs, period.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

sounds like tons of fun! I so love big day festivals like that!

ps- I LOVE film noirs!
