Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm back

I'm back for round 2. I arrived in Sydney this morning and it already feels different then when I left it almost exactly 1 year ago. I am staying at a hostel in Redfern for the next 3 days until I find a place to live. I am unfamiliar with this Redfern area, it is a 20 min walk to downtown, and I don't know the bus lines here. I feel kinda off balance. I feel much better now then I did in the airport before I left. Here is a little blurb I wrote while waiting to board:

I’m out of my mind. I sit here in the airport realizing the psychotic decision I have made. Australia? Really? Maybe its nerves or the overwhelming emotion of loneliness. Maybe it’s the aggravation I had to go through tearing apart my luggage because they were overweight. Whatever it may be, it is here, lingering inside me. Now I have to cope. I think that is the hardest part of any emotion, it’s the coping part at the end. Whether it be a good emotion, like happiness, you must cope in the end realizing happiness cannot last forever. Or a bad emotion like anger, where you must cope and deal with whatever’s going on. Cope, what a shitty word.

Now I sit here, “coping” with the fact that I have made a life altering decision to move to the other side of the world. In search of a better life. A life that may or may not present itself. Moving to Australia as a fantasy is amazing, as a reality, well, who knows. I’ll just have to wait and see.

So you see, I'm kinda nervous.

I am going to try to update this blog as much as I can and keep it interesting. Except now I am not a tourist, so there probably won't be pictures of the city because I already have plenty of those from the first time. You can look at all my Australia pics on my facebook. Im sure pics will pop up on this blog every once in a while though. As for now I say G'day Mate.


Key-Vaughan said...

Try 'endure' instead of cope. It sounds better and I believe you are enduring a new experience instead of coping with emotions that you are feeling.

This is you outside of your comfort zone-endure this man! :) Glad you got there safely and I'll be checking the blog when I can

Sharon said...

Taking risks and challenging ourselves is not only the best way to grow but makes for the most interesting and memorable experiences in the end. Enjoy the questions.


Anonymous said...

Mike, I agree with both Sharon & Kevan. There's always an emotional "transition" we experience when we make big changes & you'll be able to handle it. and "endure it". Once you are settled & have a routine (even if only a partial one) you'll feel a part of the "new experience". I hope that you really love the new experience of being an Aussie for a year cause that's what you are. For the next year you will live the lifestyle of an Aussie. Sort of a trial case you want to permanently become one. Love to you. Dad