Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I got a job, then I quit!

The shortest job I ever had.

Here is the quick back story, I went on pub crawl and the company said they needed some people to work for them on a party boat they operate. So I called the manager thinking it would be a part time job working on the party boat. The manager told me to meet him at the office/bar. So I show up and he immediately hands me a company shirt and 50 tickets for the boat. He tells me I get commission on every ticket i sell and I should go to all the different hostels and try to sell them. Now the boat is actually a good deal its not too expensive and you get some free drinks and stuff, but come on! What do you think people are gonna say when a stranger walks up to them trying to sell them something. I went to 4 different hostels and the best answer I got was we'll think about it. I never wanted to work on commission in the first place. So today I quit. I gave him the shirt and all the tickets back. I had that job for 24 hours, with only about 2 hours of working time.

So im still on the job hunt. It is pretty hard and I'm getting worried. I have only been here a week and a half so I know I need to be patient, but im not. I want a job, so everything else will fall in to place.

Other then that. I worked out tonight for the first time, it felt good, but I'm still trying to get used to KG instead of lbs and the different machines. They don't have everything I need but I'll have to adapt. That is all.

P.S. I havent had a Kabab or Gyro yet. Amazing huh?


Unknown said...

Ya, doesn't sound like a fun job. Keep looking. Are you doing the thing for the movie studio? Maybe something else in the tourism industry (at hostel)? Restaurant? Lifeguard? (although Ozi lifeguards are hardcore I think)

Good luck!

Unknown said...

That job sounds like the worst thing ever. I wouldn't have even accepted the shirt or tix. That's funny that you actually gave it a try and went out to try and sell them. Ha ha. I have a crazy job now too, there's no dental jobs available so I got a job as a "first call responder" What I do is sit at the office and wait for people to die. When they do (whether by natural causes, murder, suicide, or whatever) they call me and I go and pick up the dead bodies and bring them to the funeral home, or morgue, or medical examiners office, or embalmers etc. It has been pretty strange and the pay is even worse. But anything to keep me active is good I guess. Right? Just keep at the job hunt, stay positive, you'll find something eventually. Even if it's something you absolutely don't want to do, accept it and work temporarily until you find something better. Party on Wayne.

Kevin said...

That is hilarious... Hang in there, something will work out.

Lucas said...

Dude I don't think it would have been that bad... I'd use them socially.

Did sound like ud be a bitch for the guy its probably his job to sell them lol

I found the best way to get a job is to keep your ear to the ground just ask anyone you meet what they do.

Australia's your fucking oyster mate! YOU OWN THAT SHIT!