Sunday, November 30, 2008

My adventure has finally come to an end. As of 9:30am this morning on Nov 30th I am offically back in America.

Memories that will never be forgotten.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fiji is paradise. There are just a bunch of little, medium, and big islands with white beaches and warm clear water. The first too nights we were at the very top ones. I spent a lot of time in a hammock under some palm trees. We played beach volleyball with some local workers and went swimming a lot. On the final night we partied hard at the bar and met a lot of other travelers.

The second island we went too I got sick so I couldn't enjoy my stay. Although they did have a swimming pool. My bags were left on the boat that took us everywhere so I had to wear the same clothes for 2 days. Finally I got my bags back when I boarded the boat to go to the third island.

The third island was about the size of a standard street block. We only spent one night there but it was fine. They had hermit crab races. Then I took a flight back to Sydney.

Now I am back in 2 Kurrawa where I once began my adventure and tomorrow I'll be heading back to Cali.
So Auckland was a bust. Not a very good night life and not much to do during the day. It is like any other city. On the final night we did a pub crawl. It was the best nightlife we had experienced for the last 3 days but still wasn't anything special. Although while we were there New Zealand's rugby team won the Rugby League World Cup for the first time ever, so that was pretty crazy.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My wishes go out to Mark and the Davidson family.
Black Water Rafting was crazy! First we repelled down into the cave, then ziplined in pitch black to even deeper down the cave. We jumped off a cliff with our rafts into the black water down below. We floated down the river in the cave in pitch black. The only light was from the glow worms above. After the raft we took a 2 hour hike through the water and deep into the caves. We had to squeeze through tight places and swim at a couple points. Then we had to climb through 3 water falls to get out of the cave. It was a great, but cold experience.

We arrived in Auckland yesterday. It is a nice city but not much to do exspecially when your on a budget. Our hostel is ridiculous though. It is the biggest hostel I have ever been in. It is 10 stories, 2 bars, a full lounge and computer room. There are tons of peopel staying here and it is central to everything in Auckland.

Today we took a bus out to the famous Lion Breweries only to find out that they don't give tours anymore. So we went back to the city and walked around. We took another bust to Mt. Eden an inactive volcano that overlooks the entire city. Great views. It was funny because grass has covered everything and cows are everywhere. It is an interesting contrast of cows and volcano.

We had mexican food for dinner tonight, and now we are gunna hit the bars.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We sailed the bay of Islands. It was exactly like a dream i had. A blue bay with little green islands everywhere. It was arelaxing sailing adventure. We stopped on one of the Islands and hiked up a hill to get a good view of the bay. There were also dolphins swimming along side the boat.

We met my friends/housemate Allison there (she was on a contiki tour). We had dinner and good conversation and said our goodbyes. One by one I have to say my goodbyes to people. Luckly I did the bulk of it when I left the house. But I am seeing off my travel mates every week.

Today we arrived in the Waitomo Caves. This is town of nothing. Just green grass hills and fresh air. Tomorrow is our Black Water Rafting adventure. Then Im off to Auckland.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I am out of Thailand and into New Zealand now. Even though it is summer this country is cold. I am at a little village called Pahia in the Bay of islands. Tomorrow we are going on a swim with dolphin/boat cruise for the whole day. Just from looking out into the water from shore I can see how amazing it is.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Full Moon Party was exactly what I had imagined. One crazy night. I am in Phuket now. It is just like Miami except nicer beaches and way cheaper.
I forgot to mention I already saw the new James Bond in Bangkok before any of you suckers.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

After my short stint in Bali I arrived in Thailand ont he 8th. Thai Air is a great airline, probably one of the best I have flown. Bangkok was crazy, much bigger then I had thought. I met up with Eric there and we stayed at a really nice hotel on the water for 3 nights. I met up with my cousin Skylar who lives there now and he showed us around a little. The temple is something to see. Very Asian style roofs and archtecture. Gold and colors everywhere. I saw the famous reclining, sitting, and standing Budda.

Got to keep reminding myslelf not to drink the water. You have to buy bottled water all the time. It is ok because it comes out to about 25-50 cents depending on the size. All the taxi drivers and shops try to rip people off. I have become a very good bargainer.

I bought a custom made designer suit. It would probably cost about $900 in the states, but it was only $205 here and I got a custom shirt and silk tie with it. Now I have a suit for whatever reason.

I have never been to a place where so little people speak English. It is very ahrd to communicate but Im managing. Maybe they are just pretending not to speak so they can rip you off, who knows?

The main backpackers road is Koh San road, about a 10 min walk from the hotel. It is extremly lively and filled with bars, music, shops, and backpackers. Then there are also the hookers, lady boys, and the homeless. Bangkok is a very hecktic jungle of a city.

Yesterday we left bangkok and flew into Koh Samui island and took a boat to Koh Phangan. The boat ride was the most trecherous I ahev ever been on. It was so rocky that I almost fell off twice. Lots of people got sick. We arrived on this beachy jungle island and got to our"4 star hotel". More like a 1 1/2 star. The worst hotel I ahev ever been in, but it will do.

Today we rented motercycles and drove around the Island a little and through the jungle. Tonight is the Full Moon Party and I am ready to party. It goes from sun down to sunrise and more. They say it doesnt kick off until 5am. They sell bucket mixed drinks here with about 6 shots in each for about $5. I visited the beach last night and it was a min party. So tonight is gonig to be a huge party/ beach rave. They are having fire spinners and painting booths., and about 50 bars along the beach.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I arrived in Bali last night and will be heading to Bangkok later today. It is the most strange cultural experience i have ever had. i have never been to a 3rd world country before, let alone one that doesn't speak alot of English. It is extremely hot over here because they are so close to the equator. Right now it is 90 but with humidity it feels like 104 according to Everyone is really nice and tries to be helpful. But mostly because they want money.

I am staying at an actual hotel, with very nice Indonesian decor, much nicer than I thought because I booked it on Hostel World. It is near the airport so I don't have to travel too far. Everything is as cheap as people think. Today I got a tuna sandwich w/fries and a chocolate milk shake for lunch, for only $4.30 US.

Ill be leaving soon for Thailand. Ill update when I'm there.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I am finally leaving Australia today. Melbourne has been a great truip. It is a small city so you can see everything within 3 days. It is a lot like SF but smaller and cleaner. It is really artsy and laid back. I would definatly come back some day.

I leave for the airport in 2 hours to catch my flight to Bali. It is kind of scary because the Indonesian government is going to execute the 2005 Bali bombers some time within the next few days. Their terrorist organization has vowed revenge when the execution happens. Just today I read a headline that they have completed their health check and are ready for execution whenever the gov is ready. Good thing I am only spending 1 night there and I plan on laying low key.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween was amazing. Probably the best Halloween of my life. There was a Sydney Harbour cruise arranged for all the study abroad kids. Not just from my uni, but from the other 2 Sydney unis also. It took us past the bridge and the opera house and all around the harbour. There was an open abr all night. Everyone dressed up in costumes and went crazy. After the cruise was over Cargo bar had a costume party for us. I was Super-Jew, which was a big hit with alot of people, because random people kept taking pictures of me.

I left Sydney today to start my travels. I said all my good byes to my house this morning, some cried. I will see them again someday. We were already talking about our reunions in the years to come. I am currenty in Melbourne on an extremly shitty old computer. Ill be here until I go to Bali on the 7th.