Sunday, August 24, 2008

Today is my 21st birthday. (Tomorrow for the US). Now I am finally legal to do anything I want (except for rent a car), but I can drink anywhere in the world. So I think we should go through the major alcoholic events in my life.

Age 12- First Drink, wine shots at synagogue for Kiddush. (friends and I would keep sneaking them until we were caught by the rabbi who started guarding the table)

Age 15- Drank for no reason at sleep overs. Never got drunk because we were afraid our parents would notice the bottle depleting.

Age 16- First time actually drunk. Visit to SDSU.

Age 16-17- Lots of drinking. Coldstone camping trip... which led to bet with Kevin.

Age 18- Lots of drinking. Frat parties. Learned my limits.

Age 19- Drunk all over Europe... which led to a little break.

Age 19-20- Not a sip.

Age 20- Began drinking again, this time smartly and responsibly.

Age 21- We'll see.....


Unknown said...

Happy out for the roos

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike. Happy B-day. Nice to know your drinking history. Love you. Dad

Sharon said...

haha...I love that I got you drunk for the first time!! Yes! Also didn't you smoke for the first time on that trip too? God I'm amazing..

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!! your dads comment made me chuckle
