Friday, October 24, 2008

It is done. Thurs was my last day of school. All I have is one more paper that is due Nov 3 and I completely done. The internet in my house has cut out so I have to go to an internet cafe. The weather is warm, the beach is waiting. 

I think the fact that everyone's adventures in Australia is winding done is really taking a toll now. We threw a huge party last night and it was a great bonding experience. All of us know that we have made amazing friends from all over the United States, but its a smack in the face when you realize you may never see some of them again. Of course in the moment you can say you will visit each other and everyone will see each other again, but in reality who knows what will happen in life. When you go from seeing someone everyday to being across the country from them it becomes more and more difficult to keep in touch. 

The first person from our house, Max, leaves on tues to go to New Zealand and then home. Once he is gone I think everyone will stop ignoring the fact that people are leaving and start coming to terms. I think I am the second person to leave the house, on Nov 4th, and then many more follow after that. Next week starts our last full week together as a house. It is sad to think about it, I feel like I have been brushing it off this entire time. With nothing to distract me anymore it is time to face it. 

C'est La Vie.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I know it's a total bummer dude, but all i can say is just try to keep in touch with the few that you are close with...but you can always call and email and least they are all in the USA..hope to talk to you soon <3