Sunday, August 31, 2008

This weekend I went on a surf trip. A few of us went with Mojo surf camp. They drove us 6 hours north to Crescent Head. We stayed at their camp, which was on the beach, and surfed all day sat. They also cooked for us, so that was a relief. Finally I got some good meals. At night we had bonfires.

Surfing is fun, but aggravating. You have to get the timing just right. It was a lot of fun though and a good break from Coogee and school.

My 21st birthday. Here is how it went...
We had about 30 people, most of them already lived with me. We all pre-drank and my house and played some mixed drink pong. Then we took over the bus and headed to the city. I feel bad for the 4 Aussies on the bus, because there were 30 loud Americans running around and taking pictures and such. 

We went the an area of the city called Kings Cross, this spot has a hot nightlife, but it is also where all the strip clubs and prostitutes are so it was kinda seedy. (No, I did not get a hooker or go to a strip club). We started our pub crawl at a lounge called SoHo. For all those people who know NYC, it was pretty much a wanna be NYC lounge bar. It was great and since it was a Monday night there was no one in there except for my group. 

Next we headed to Iquana Bar, which was a hidden bar down a random street, but it was small and intimate with pictures of celebrities all over the walls. After that we went to Bourbon, which was one of my favorites because it was upstairs and had a big balcony that had a good view. It was $8 cocktails until midnight, so the party began to take off. The featured cocktail of the night was Alaskan Thunder Fuck.

A few girls I live with joined us at this bar and then told me to head down the street to another bar called Empire. Those girls work at a bar called the Palace right by our house and their boss told them to go there. So we went and because of their boss we got a $100 bar credit. I'll leave what we drank to the imagination of my readers, partly because I don't remember.

Finally we hit up my favorite bar/lounge called World Bar.  They have tea-pots full of special mixed drinks. There I met an Australian Guy who was having his 30th birthday. He was so drunk that he bought me 15 tequila shots. Since there is no way I could take them all I called over some people and everyone who stayed with me through all 5 bars got their free shot.

Overall it was a great night. I know everyone had a lot of fun including me. It was a big bonding experience also and one of the best birthdays I have ever had.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Today is my 21st birthday. (Tomorrow for the US). Now I am finally legal to do anything I want (except for rent a car), but I can drink anywhere in the world. So I think we should go through the major alcoholic events in my life.

Age 12- First Drink, wine shots at synagogue for Kiddush. (friends and I would keep sneaking them until we were caught by the rabbi who started guarding the table)

Age 15- Drank for no reason at sleep overs. Never got drunk because we were afraid our parents would notice the bottle depleting.

Age 16- First time actually drunk. Visit to SDSU.

Age 16-17- Lots of drinking. Coldstone camping trip... which led to bet with Kevin.

Age 18- Lots of drinking. Frat parties. Learned my limits.

Age 19- Drunk all over Europe... which led to a little break.

Age 19-20- Not a sip.

Age 20- Began drinking again, this time smartly and responsibly.

Age 21- We'll see.....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I think I'm gunna go to New Zealand for spring break.

Here are some pictures of the olympic stadium.

Yesterday I traveled with a group out to the Blue Mountains. It is about a 1 1/2 hour bus ride from Sydney. We made a stop at the olympic stadium, where they help the 2000 olympics. Then headed to the mountains. They call it the Blue Mountains because they look blue from far away. There were amazing views of valleys down below and great hikes through the forests on the mountain. Lots of waterfalls and caves. Then when you get to the very bottom they have the world's steepest railway take you back up to the top. It was like a rollercoaster, and they played the Indiana Jones theme song.

It was way too cold up in the mountains though. I think I'm going to go back when it is warmer and go rock climbing and repelling. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. This is all I could get before my camera ran out of batteries. I will definitely go back and take more pictures.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I just found the best thing I have ever found. With my ISIC (international student ID card) and STA travel I can fly around the world for cheap. They allow you to make your own routes anywhere in the world and you can stay there for any number of days you want to then select the next destination and they price all the plane flights for you.

For example: I made a trip from Sydney to Fiji to Tokyo to Perth and back to Sydney- its only $1600+ taxes.
Another trip I made across the entire Southern Hemisphere was Sydney to Perth to Johannsberg to Sao Paulo to Buenos Aires and back to Sydney- $3200+ taxes.

I have from Oct 24th until Nov 28th to travel. (I fly Nov 30th from Sydney back to the states).
Here is where you come in. WHERE SHOULD I GO? I would love to hear from my friends and family where in the world you would like to see me go? Im open to all suggestions.

I finally got to see the city by day today, just a little though. There is a big park, it is their central park kinda, that has views of the opera house and the bridge and city. I only got a couple pics then my camera died. I will post them later. 

I was on the bus today and the police came on to check everyone's tickets, of course knowing my luck I'm singled out. Apparently my student bus pass isn't valid for study abroad students, so I got a warning, but they took my info and I will get a huge fine next time. I had to go out and buy another regular bus pass for double the price. 

Busses are confusing and expensive here. Other than that it is a beautiful weekend, finally sunny and warm. A group of us played football and soccer today in the park. I ran under a low tree and it cut my shoulder, so I have a 2 inch cut now. 

Also I just found out the best news possible. Classes ends October 23 and then finals are mid Nov, with the semester ending Nov 14th. I guess they expect the time between oct 23rd and finals is for studying. Now here come the best part, since my classes are film studies, their assignments are all project and essay, all due the last days of class, which means I am finished with school on October 23rd not Nov 14th. Since my flight back to the states leaves Nov 30, that gives me over a month of free time to travel. Which means I'm taking the world by a storm.