Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Last Post... For a While.

So today is my last full day in Australia. My flight leaves tomorrow morning. Its strange writing this post. I am used to going on and on about things knowing I can keep adding to this blog. But starting tomorrow I will no longer be the American Down Under. So this blog will probably come to a close. The Australia chapter of my life is closing and a new one is now beginning. Of course I have to go through that transition phase first. Things will be rocky at first like they always are, but hopefully things will smooth out soon. I may or may not start a new blog that just talks about my life updates.

I got the job on the East Coast. So thats where I'll be over the summer. As for the rest of my life after that, its all up in the air.

So this final post is just to say goodbye and thank you. For those of you who followed me on my adventure this time, and for those of you who have been following me on my adventures since 2008 when I first came to Sydney to study.

I will see many of you soon in person. As for those of you who just secretly read my blog and never actually contact me (you know who you are), go ahead and send me a message or pick up the phone and ring me if you have my number. If there is one thing I learned here in Australia, it is that those in your life, both past and present, always matter. To the most minor people, everyone has an impact that helps shape your life. If you are reading this, then you are most likely a past/present friend or family member of mine. I would love to hear from you.

If you are my friend on FB, I encourage you to check out my Australia pictures. By noon on Saturday I will be on American soil once again.

Until another day or life, I bid you adieu.

The American Down Under

Currently Listening To: Broken Social Scene, The Radio Dept.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Past Couple Days

First and foremost Happy Mothers Day to my mom. I'm sorry I can't be there to celebrate but I will be seeing you soon enough. Now lets get down to business. The weather has been near perfect these past few days. Sunny and bright with a cool breeze. Warm enough to play outside, but not too hot.

So I decided to take advantage of this. Yesterday I did the Coogee to Bondi Coastal Walk. It was much more impressive than I thought. Its about a 3.5 mile walk up the coast. Along the way there are beaches, coves, parks, cliffs, and many other beautiful sights. At some points it felt like I was walking through a rain forest, and at other points it felt like I was walking through a forest. It was amazing. I took a bunch of pics so go look at my FB album.

Today, I went to the Botanical Gardens and explored a bit. It was a nice little walk with great views of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Pics are in the FB album. After that I took a visit to the Opera House. I figure it will be my last time for a while. It still looks just as good as it did the first time I saw it. Down in Circular Key there are street performers and one Aboriginal guy was playing the Didgeridoo to electro trance dance music. It sounded amazing so I bought both his CDs and now I'm jamin out to them.

Tomorrow is suppose to be hot so I'm ready to lay out for a bit. After tomorrow the weather is suppose to drop for the rest of the week. So good thing I'm heading home. I have managed to avoid a winter for a year.

I also just figured out how in enhance my photos on my comp. Now the pics look way better. Too bad I haven't been doing this all along, my FB photo albums would look much better. None of them are enhanced.

Almost forgot to mention. The A's beat the Rays 4-0 today. Dallas Braden pitched a perfect game for Oakland. Only the 2nd player in A's history to do this. What makes this even more impressive is the Rays are the #1 team in baseball right now and they still couldn't touch that guy.

Currently Listening To: The Web, Animistix
Recently Watched: Go!- It was good.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De FAIL.

So today is Cinco De Mayo in the USA. But not here in Australia. Since Australia doesn't touch Mexico, I guess they don't feel the need to celebrate. But for me that is just a sad story. My love for Mexican food and Corona's cannot be fulfilled at this time. So I sit here like it's any "normal" day, as the FB statuses light up with Mexican flare. I know I'll be kicking myself tomorrow once everybody starts to post pictures. RIP Cinco De Mayo.

So I am really bored and counting down the days until I go home. Since all of my friends work during the weekdays, I have nothing to do. I no longer have a gym membership, so I'll have to go exercise in the park. Other than that, there isnt much to do by yourself except for walking around a bunch. I don't mind that, it is just I have been here and seen almost everything I wanted to. So I don't see the point in walking around and seeing everything again. There are a couple things I can do that I haven't done. I'll probably go to the Botanical Gardens (which I have done when I studied here, but not thoroughly) and the Coogee To Bondi Costal Walk. I'll save that for tomorrow and Monday if the weather permits. So far the weather is sunny and clear skies, but cold. No more short sleeves.

Currently Listening To: The Radio Dept. , Belle And Sebastian

Monday, May 3, 2010

Coming Home and My Attempt At Experiencing Australia One Last Time

So I will be coming home soon. I am making my first announcement here for my faithful ADU readers, before I officially announce it on FB. I arrive back in the Bay Area on May 15th. Then on May 19th I will be going down to Orange County/ LA for the remainder of the month. I had applied for an awesome summer job that is in D.C. and New York. My interview is this wed on Skype. So if I get that then I'll be flying to the East Coast on June 3rd and will be there until mid-August.

So it has come down to my last days in Australia. I took a walk a few days ago and ended up deep into a park near my house. In the 6 months I have been here, I have never step foot in this park. It was like a whole new world. There are 3 lakes and trees everywhere. Strange looking birds of all sorts lined the lakes. The bird species are different here then in the States. The most colorful wild birds you have ever seen are common here. I took a walk around the lake, but I didn't think to bring my camera. So I have been trying to find a day that I can go back and take pictures. I check the weather and plan my days accordingly, but then I wake up and check the weather again and it is completely changed. I was going to go today, but now the weather says "risk of afternoon shower or thunderstorm". So I'll have to make a judgment call later.

I applied for my tax back from the Australian government. So I will hopefully be getting a large chunk of money put in my account within the next few weeks.

That is all I guess. I hope the weather in the States is getting ready for me.

Currently Listening To: Taking Back Sunday- weird huh? Itunes picked them up on shuffle and I really don't mind.

Recently Watched: Arrested Development Season 1