Thursday, July 31, 2008

Here is a low down on my classes:
The Hollywood System- We watch movies and talk about shit.
Sound Media 1- A sound production class, we learn Pro Tool and how to properly create, edit, and mix sound for soundtracks and music.
Film Genres- Watch movies and talk about shit, with an emphasis on genre.
Documentary and History- Watch docs and talk about shit, pretty interesting actually.

There were no textbooks needed, just little readers which were lie $30 each so I saved a lot of money.

Campus is beautiful but ridiculously large. To put it in perspective, it is about 3 times larger than CSUF. It is layered like a cake, a large area of buildings then long stairs down to another area of buildings then long stairs down to another area of buildings. There are like 6 quads and 3 different food courts. But best of all, there is a pub/bar on campus that turns into a club at night. This is definitely not a dry campus.

Everything is good here, I live with great people in a great location. Once the weather warms up it will be even better.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Here is a couple more pictures, one of them is literally the view from my window. The other is a view of my little suburb and my beach from the cliff tops.

I was walking up the stairs at school today and a bunch of people walking the opposite direction of me kept coming at me. I had to avoid a few crashes. I then realized that in Australia people walk on the left side, not the right, so I made the correct adjustments. Everything really is backwards here. 

Check out some pictures of the beach I live at and the school I go to.

Monday, July 28, 2008

It looks like all the rain I have been avoiding down in Fullerton has finally caught up with me here in Australia.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Some of you were asking for my address, so here it is:

2 Kurrawa St.
Coogee, NSW, Australia
The first part of this post is dedicated to Mark, the second is to my dad.

The rain let up today and the blue skies kicked in. I took a walk along the beach and guess what?
I saw some mother fucker with my same bathing suit!!!

I walked along the path that follows the beach and the cliff side. Dad, you would appreciate the run. It is one of the greatest running/walking paths I have ever seen. Awesome views of the beach and the city.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Last night we went out to The Palace bar and club. When we were walking back I brought everyone to my favorite little hole in the wall food place. The owner knows me there now. He gave me free drink cards for The Palace, so the next time we go I have 10 free drinks to drink.

I also joined a gym today, it is kind of pricey, but I got a student discount. 

Its been raining here for the last couple days, so that sucks.
The whole study abroad department had orientation today. There are like 500 students, most American. They started off the whole day with aborigines cultural dancing and music. Australia is really proud and sorry for taking over their natives land.  It got me thinking, America would never start off an orientation with Native American music and dancing.

Found a place called Five O's, they have 5 dollar meals so I can finally eat cheap.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I found a Target here in Australia. The only problem is that it is far away and not as good as the ones back home.  It was in a mall called Bondi Junction, this mall was about 5 times the size of Brea and Stoneridge. Pretty Ridiculous. Ill have to go back there again and look at the 90% of stuff I didn't see. 

My speakers don't work here. Actually I think they broke because they were on for a sec and then just turned off and I cant get them on again. They were my favorite speakers, the ones that moved to the music, so it sucks. 

The A's traded Joe Blanton, so I'm happy now. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I have now made it possible for people who are not registered to comment, so anyone can comment now. But it comes up as anonymous, so write your name at the end of your comments so I know who it is.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Australia. How do I begin? Well I arrived just in time to see the sunrise at the airport. I couldn't have asked for a better way to start off my adventure. My group had our orientation up in the city of Cairns. It is an amazing little party city. All there are are college aged people and tons of bars and clubs. The streets were packed every night. 

Aside from my alcoholic adventures we got to go to a rain forest park and see native animals and learned about the native indigenous culture. We also got to go out in the Great Barrier Reef and see some cool shit. The nightlife was by far one of the best things about orientation though. Ridiculous drunken debauchery and dancing is the best way to describe it.

I have realized 3 things already while being here: 
1. Australians are much nicer, friendlier, and better looking than Americans.
2. Australia is ridiculously expensive, Sydney us by far the most expensive city I have ever been too. (Beating NYC and any place in Europe).
3. It is much harder to remember to look the opposite direction while crossing the street than you think.

So far Sydney is great, moved in to my place, it is a dorm style building that holds 30 people.  One giant kitchen to cook, and a shared bathroom for each floor. Not exactly what I had hoped for, but I will make the best of it. Hope all is well back in the states. Ill be updating again soon once I meet more people and school starts next week.

Here is the deal with pictures: For some reason it takes way too long to load pictures, so you can look on my myspace and facebook for a few of them until I can figure out how to do it.