Thursday, February 3, 2011

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and life

I'll start things off with a little gloating. Remember that last blog post when I said I bet Joseph Gordon-Levitt would be the next major character in the new Batman. Well, I was right. There is still no word about who he is playing, but he has been officially cast. I enjoy the guy and it looks like Batman 3 is getting better and better and they haven't even started filming yet.

Oscars. I actually agree with a majority of the nominations this year. It seems like the right people are getting the nods. We'll just have to see if the right people actually go home with the statue. The one thing that irks me about the Oscars are the 10 movie Best Picture nominations. This makes no sense to me whatsoever. The Best Picture award is the top award given at the end of the night. Its value has no depleted when there are 10 in a category. Where is the selectivity? It should be 5, just like every other category. If your movie doesn't make the cut for the top 5, then it shouldn't be nominated. It's that simple. I want to see a competitive race between the top 5 movies of the year. Not 5 great ones and 5 mediocre ones.

Work life is long and boring. I do a lot of data work. It is all about TV and movies, but it is very tedious. Also, the commute is killing me. It takes me at least 50 minutes to get home every day. Sometimes up to 2 hours (like today). I fuckin hate traffic and that's the bottom line. I hated it in LA when I had to do my internship 2 times a week for a year and a half. Now I have to do it 5 days a week.

For those of you who know I was in Mexico pictures are coming to my FB soon. For those that didn't know I was in Mexico, I was in Mexico. It was a very nice family vacation. Except my camera broke on day 2 and I had to use my mom's camera for the rest of the trip. So when I arrived home I bought a new camera. I had to get only a certain style because my memory card is an XD Olympus card that's only compatible with certain ones. So the camera is ordered and I am waiting for it to come any day now. Hopefully sooner than later. One I get the camera, I'll put my memory card in and get all those pictures on my computer for the public.

READERS CHOICE- Since my life is pretty boring right now and I don't have much to talk about. I'll open it up to my readers. I would be happy to talk about just about anything. Entertainment, news, thoughts, ideas, advice, questions (I would be happy to play Dr. Mike, and give you advice. I am an especially good therapist.) Whatever you want. Please leave your comments and questions about topics below or on Facebook. DO IT!

Currently Listening To: Vitalic