Thursday, February 3, 2011

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and life

I'll start things off with a little gloating. Remember that last blog post when I said I bet Joseph Gordon-Levitt would be the next major character in the new Batman. Well, I was right. There is still no word about who he is playing, but he has been officially cast. I enjoy the guy and it looks like Batman 3 is getting better and better and they haven't even started filming yet.

Oscars. I actually agree with a majority of the nominations this year. It seems like the right people are getting the nods. We'll just have to see if the right people actually go home with the statue. The one thing that irks me about the Oscars are the 10 movie Best Picture nominations. This makes no sense to me whatsoever. The Best Picture award is the top award given at the end of the night. Its value has no depleted when there are 10 in a category. Where is the selectivity? It should be 5, just like every other category. If your movie doesn't make the cut for the top 5, then it shouldn't be nominated. It's that simple. I want to see a competitive race between the top 5 movies of the year. Not 5 great ones and 5 mediocre ones.

Work life is long and boring. I do a lot of data work. It is all about TV and movies, but it is very tedious. Also, the commute is killing me. It takes me at least 50 minutes to get home every day. Sometimes up to 2 hours (like today). I fuckin hate traffic and that's the bottom line. I hated it in LA when I had to do my internship 2 times a week for a year and a half. Now I have to do it 5 days a week.

For those of you who know I was in Mexico pictures are coming to my FB soon. For those that didn't know I was in Mexico, I was in Mexico. It was a very nice family vacation. Except my camera broke on day 2 and I had to use my mom's camera for the rest of the trip. So when I arrived home I bought a new camera. I had to get only a certain style because my memory card is an XD Olympus card that's only compatible with certain ones. So the camera is ordered and I am waiting for it to come any day now. Hopefully sooner than later. One I get the camera, I'll put my memory card in and get all those pictures on my computer for the public.

READERS CHOICE- Since my life is pretty boring right now and I don't have much to talk about. I'll open it up to my readers. I would be happy to talk about just about anything. Entertainment, news, thoughts, ideas, advice, questions (I would be happy to play Dr. Mike, and give you advice. I am an especially good therapist.) Whatever you want. Please leave your comments and questions about topics below or on Facebook. DO IT!

Currently Listening To: Vitalic

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

COACHELLA!!!!!! BATMAN!!!!! and my theories on everything.

The Coachella lineup came out last night. The poster is below:

For more info go to

My take. I like it. It seems different from most years, but I have full faith in Coachella and its amazingness. There are acts that are must sees, possible sees, no sees, and unknowns. Thats usually how it goes, and I'm happy about it. It is very interesting to see Kanye and The Strokes on the same line though? Usually there is only one headliner on that line. 

My Theory: There will be a major act announced later that goes above Kanye and The Strokes. It also seems that there is no real "closing" dance act. Unlike the other days that have major dance acts that will headline in the dance tent at the same time as the stage headliner. I can't identify who it will be on Sun. So my theory is the major act that gets put on top of the day will be a dance act. Do I smell a little Daft Punk coming my way?

To the Bat Cave!

Anne Hathaway has been cast as Catwoman in the next batman movie "Dark Knight Rises". A couple months ago Tom Hardy was cast as another villain. It has been announced today that the two main villains will be Bane and Catwoman. This give me great insight as to which story line from the comics will be followed. 

Quick background (do your own research): Bane is a criminal from another country. Who is extremely smart. He is used as a test subject for a drug called "Venom" (no, not the same one in Spiderman). This drug makes him strong and superhuman like. He goes on to cause mayhem in Gothem. 

Catwoman- It is most likely they will follow the more edgy and dark Catwoman story line. She is a prostitute/ low life woman who is abused by her pimp. She just wants to get out of that business. So she starts stealing and robbing to make more money. She uses a suit that her pimp once gave her. By night she is a thief. By day she falls for Bruce Wayne. 

Theory: SPOILER ALERT---------------------------------------------------------------------
The comic story this seems to be following will be "Knightfall". Bane, using his smarts and strength, wears out Batman and causes trouble in Gotham. He lets prisoners out of Arkham Asylum. All the meanwhile Bruce Wayne and Catwoman (aka Selina Kyle) have a fling going. Eventually Bane will find out who Batman really is (the only villain to do so). He goes to Bruce Wayne's mansion and breaks Batman's back (literally). Bruce Wayne becomes a Paraplegic and has to pass on the crime fighting duties to Azrael (a young smart Gotham University Grad student whom Batman takes under his wing). Azrael goes on to defeat Bane. 

Why I think this will be the story? Chris Nolan said this will be the last Batman film. What better way to end it then to make Batman immobile and pass on the legacy? It seems dark and edgy with a whirlwind of emotion. Just up Chris Nolan's ally. Also, there will be another huge casting announcement. My guess is a younger character to play Azrael. ( Joseph Gordon Levitt is my guess). Or someone similar to him. Also this is the only real solid storyline with both Bane and Catwoman in it. Also the title of the movie is "Dark Knight Rises", what is the opposite of rise? Fall. "Knightfall"

Currently Listening To: School Of Seven Bells

P.S. I like comments. Anyone can comment. Please do so. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

1st Day of Work, The Globes, Coachella, and etc.

Hey-lo. First day of work went well. It seems like my job may be a little tedious though. But I'm gonna get paid and thats more important. Lots of database stuff, but I'll probably learn more as I go.  Not much to say about work really. I don't even know why I brought it up. I guess I felt like a blog post. Lets move on. 

The Golden Globes!!!!! Didn't watch them. Don't care. They're a wanna-be Academy Awards with TV mixed in. I don't understand why TV can't just have its own award show, oh wait it called the Emmys. Lets keep it that way. 

Coachella. Artists are being leaked slowly. But the big lineup is suppose to come out Tues evening. So keep your eyes peeled Tues and Wed. I'm excited. 

I'm going on a vacation to Mexico (Playa Del Carmen to be exact), on Sat with my mom and sis. I'm excited to be able to go to the beach in January (on the northern hemisphere). Im gonna eat yummy Mexican food and drink yummy drinks and do lots of ruin hiking and beaching and jungling and so on.

Since this post doesn't have much relevant info for y'all I'll throw this out there. Check out the band Phantogram. You will enjoy them. 

Currently Listening To: Hyper Crush, Phantogram
Recently Watched: Igby Goes Down- For those who appreciate a true indie dramady. Excellent.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I am doing this early because I have a feeling the Coachella lineup is coming out soon and that will take up my blog. So let talk some movies!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who are new to this, here's how it goes. I made a list and then ranked every movie I saw that came out in 2010. I did NOT see every movie, therefore some will be missing. These are MY top 10 movies based on the filmmaking aspect as well as the entertainment aspect of things.

10. Monsters- Dir. Gareth Edwards
     -For some reason this movie latched on to me and wouldn't let me go. Completely not what I expected, not a horror movie at all. It was a sci-fi romance thriller that gets you thinking about life and human connections. Excellent filmmaking and acting for a small budget movie.

9. The Ghost Writer- Dir. Roman Polanski
     - Do I support him as a child molester? No. As a writer/director? Hell yeah. This was one of the best movies he has made in his extremely long career. It was pure Polanski style, gripping and suspenseful. Well written, well performed (minus that chick from Sex And The City), and overall just well done. Hats off to you Mr. Polanski, now go back to house arrest.

8. The Kids Are All Right- Dir. Lisa Cholodenko / Nowhere Boy- Dir. Sam Taylor-Wood
     -It's a tie. Both these indie flicks brought in something special. Both are about family struggles and survival based on love. Phenomenal acting by just about everyone in both movies. Very well written stories that keep you engaged and emotionally involved the entire way through.

7. The Other Guys- Dir. Adam McKay / Date Night- Dir. Shawn Levy
     -Another tie (last one I promise). Strange picks, I know, but you can't deny these were two of the funniest most entertaining movies of 2010. Out of all the comedies I saw, these two are by far the best. Both had funny unique story lines, great comedic acting, and actually funny moments/ dialogue. I caught myself laughing out loud on numerous occasions, and that doesn't happen very often.

6. Black Swan- Dir. Darren Aronofsky
     -Everyone who knows me was wondering when this would come up. Yes its up here at number six. Maybe it's my love for Natalie or Darren Aronofsky's visual style? Maybe it's because the cinematographer Matthew Libatique is an Alma Mater from my former university? Or maybe its because this was a really good fucking movie. Whatever the reason is, as many would probably agree, it deserves to be on my top ten. Aronofsky has created a "film school style" movie for the masses. Visually stunning  with production value that is superb.

5. The Fighter- Dir. David O. Russell
     - An emotional story with acting that exceeds that of which we categorize "great acting". Christian Bale makes this film in my opinion (can someone say Oscar). As well as every other actor who stepped foot in front of that camera. Everyone seemed natural and gave phenomenal performances.  A sad but true biopic with a happy ending. I don't really like crazy ass David O. Russell usually, but hats off to you Mr. Russell and Mr. Bale.

4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 1- Dir. David Yates 
     -Umm. I'm guilty as charged. Will Harry Potter always be in my top ten? Probably. You have to admit though, especially after the first couple movies, this franchise has come a long way. I feel like they just get better and better. This one was the most humanistic one in my opinion. It felt like an actual drama instead of a fantasy movie. It stayed true to the story, for the most part, and kept everyone engaged and emotionally moved.

3. The Social Network- Dir. David Fincher
     -Yes, I am on Facebook as I type this, but that has nothing to do with anything. This was an excellent movie. Everything fell into play. Extremely well written script, directing, and acting. Aaron Sorkin (the screenwriter) and David Fincher just took this movie above and beyond. Exceeded my expectations and left me in awe when the credits began to role.

2. Inception- Dir. Christopher Nolan
     -Whatever Chris Nolan touched turns to gold. This guy has not made a bad movie in his life. What can I say about Inception besides it's my type of movie, my type of style. If I had a chance to make any of the movies on my top ten list, this would be it. A thinker movie to extraordinary proportions. It was just plane amazing. I can talk all day about the directing or the filmmaking or the cinematography or the acting or the screenplay. Just about everything in this movie was good.

And the number one movie of 2010 is.........................................................................................................

1. Toy Story 3- Dir. Lee Unkrich
     -I haven't cried at a cartoon since I was 8... Until now. That's gotta be worthy of something.

Total 2010 releases seen: 35 (as of right now)

Currently Listening To: Wild Beasts
Recently Watched: Blue Valentine- Phenomenal acting, story is hard to watch. You get so emotionally invested as an audience member which makes it that much more difficult. Recommended though.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Look What The Cat Dragged In

That would be me. It looks like I'm back. I guess I just like to write and voice my opinion. I couldn't figure out how to change my web address for this blog, so it is just gonna say Australia even though I'm not there any more. Lets get this baby going....

2010 in quick review:
-Rang in New Year in Sydney. Loads of fireworks and warm weather. New discovery that too much gin gives me a headache.
- Coachella with Mark in April. Amazing as always.
- Moved back to the good ole US of A May 15th.
- Got a job with Envision EMI, working in NYC all summer long. Got to do amazing things and meet amazing people. One of the best jobs I've ever had.
------------------------------ I put a break here because this is where the black hole comes in------------------------
- Officially moved back to the Bay Area end of August.
- Although there was some good times. Generally speaking the months of Sep-Dec consisted of a lot of aggravation, depression, and stress. No job, no money, no fun.
- Boston and NYC in Dec. Orange County for the new year.
- 2010 is over. It was a year with more ups and downs then ever before.

2011 is a new year, new job, new life. Lets see what happens.

I got a job up here in the Bay Area. Which means I will still be living at home, but at least I'll be out of the house and have the means to meet new people most of the time. The company is called VUDU-

and I am a Content Coordinator. I'll share more about my job description once I actually start on the 17th.

That is all for now. Look for my "Top Movies of 2010" coming in the next post.

Currently Listening To: Magnetic Man, and any other dirty dub-step.
Recently Watched: Monsters (2010)- Real good. One of those movies that grows on you the more you think about it. Completely not at all what anyone was expecting.

P.S. Yes, I got ads on my page now. Did I sell out? Maybe. Does it effect your content viewing? No. So get over it.